Monday, August 15, 2011


This may not have a lot to do with circuits but I thought it about time to let this out...
We have mounted a 48 cc 2 stroke gas engine on a bike frame!

This thing is SCARY fast.

Pictures soon.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Need less than 12 volts from a car charger?

I followed this how-to with an iGo car adapter. I glued the trim pot in the case and used the solder iron to melt a whole in the case so I can adjust the putput with a small screwdriver. It works GREAT. I can set it for ANY voltage from 12 down to zero. Just make sure you measure the device while the car is RUNNING as different alternators put out different post voltages (all the way up to 14.2 V in my experience) A little time with a volt meter and VOILA; run your projects while mobile. I can run my Arduino or whatever while in the car...